History of the Air Insignia III.

In today’s final installment of the trilogy on the history of the military roundel, we look at the evolution of the insignia of the fourth most famous user, the US Air Force. The development of this roundel over time is probably the most complicated of all the four main operators, but it is all the more … Read more

History of the Air Insignia II.

As I mentioned in the previous section, in this work I will focus on the origin of the German insignia. Although the then Luftstreitkräfte was officially established in 1910 and the aircraft were initially used only for reconnaissance purposes, so there was no need to significantly mark the machine, but this was completely changed by … Read more

History of the Air Insignia I.

With today’s contribution, I would like to open a three-part topic of the history of the distinctive sign, without which the approved aircraft (apart from prototypes and demonstrators) can hardly be imagined today. It is a so-called roundel, the dominant part of every military machine serving in the air force of the country. In the case … Read more