Color slides of war workers

When talking about the war workers who were the backbone of America’s war industry, most of us think only of the We Can Do It! poster which I wrote about in the previous post. But what did these women (appearing in many war films) actually look like and what should we imagine under this term today. … Read more

English record holder

If a pioneer in women’s flying is mentioned, perhaps everyone will remember Amelia Earhart’s life story today, even though “only” a few films have been made about her. It is therefore a pity that her British successor Amy Johnson, who set many aviation records during her life and broke those personal times several times, is still very … Read more

Charles Brown and the flying gentleman

This true story of 20. December 1943 proves that even in the greatest horrors II. world wars, some pilots still had the remnants of cavalry and moral ethics. On that day, the bombing of German Bremen, which was attended by the crew of a flying fortress with the nickname Ye Olde Pub. Allied bombers had … Read more