Reborn swallow

After yesterday, the Military History Institute can be proud of another completely renovated aircraft. One of its largest exhibits, the Avia Av-14 transport aircraft, was ceremoniously returned to the exposition of the Aviation Museum in Kbely. VHÚ acquired this machine for its collections on 5. December 1975, so the handover took place symbolically on the … Read more

Futurama: Roswell That Ends Well

Futurama is an American animated sci-fi series, telling the extraordinary stories of the employees of the delivery company Planet Express. The story begins in New York in 1999, but during the first part it moves a thousand years further, where the fates of the individual heroes of this series begin to be written. Futurama is … Read more

The forgotten primacy

Today, probably few people know this, but long before the establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia, an important milestone in the history of world aviation began to be written in Brno. It was the takeoff of the first airship powered by an internal combustion engine and the third completed and tested vessel of its kind in … Read more

Patrons and protectors

From time immemorial, humans have invented mythical creatures or heroes with superhuman abilities to protect them from various monsters, enemy invaders or other incredible threats. In the course of time and the evolution of society they were either renamed or forgotten with the advent of Christianity. However, they have been replaced by various patrons, either … Read more